V Day

When my husband arrived home last night he was greeted with a minor emergency: “Water was pouring out of the doohickey under the sink so I turned it off. OH, and the disposal won’t work.”

He had to run out for a new disposal and didn’t finish until nearly 10:00p. 

I felt pretty bad for him, but not nearly as sorry as I felt this morning upon finding two cards, two boxes of chocolates and roses.

I love this man more than anyone else on earth. He didn’t try to vacillate or put anything off, he set right to work on the problem like it was the most fun he’d had seen since his Navy days.

This wonderful man realizes that every little thing I do for him is out of love. I know that the only reason why he still works is to keep us in food and kibble.

We’ve been married for over 30 years and each day with him is sweeter. I thank God for him so often the good Lord is probably tired of me.

He’s also pretty cute. 😉

Big bada Boom

I hate fireworks. Not a city or county’s organized exhibitions – or even a rock star’s pyrotechnics – but the absurd dynamiting done by my neighbors.

If annihilation is their ultimate goal, the idiots made a good start last night. My house shook several times.

The noises used to be fireworks, sparklers for the kids, things of that nature.. and even some gunfire. I’d like to tell them that what goes up ultimately comes down…

The exceptionally loud noises had nothing to do with pretty lights in the sky. I cannot understand why they favor them… as they probably would never understand my viewpoint.

My stance? I was huddled in bed with two terrified dogs (Daisy has never cared – until last night) and a Navy veteran who thought the sounds were very much like being depth charged by a Russian sub.

I am not fucking amused.


Though I feel 25 and act my shoe size, the actual digits are 65. There it is, the secret again: old people are simply young people in crappy bodies.

It’s incredibly difficult to remember my age when making purchases. For instance, I saw a small, indoor trampoline (they call them ‘rebounders’ now) being used on YouTube and HAD to have one.

When my superior specimen arrived… well, my husband had a small coronary. You see, he knows me. We’ve been together for quite some time and in his mind I’d go re-bounding off that thing and into a wood chipper. Yes, that was my plan all along.

NOT. For goodness sake’s I think I can avoid wood chippers. And the glass closet doors. Yes, old house. 😉

So after a week of first class avoidance, he put it together for me. Under protest. Muttering things like “we need to update our wills”.

Y’all, it’s SO MUCH FUN!!! I was twisty bouncing and leg up/leg down bouncing and just convinced this thing would be the best addition to my work out routine ever!!!

I have three herniated discs.

Oh, I know what to do for them… the cervical hanger/inversion table/Advil season is in full swing and I’m guessing the little rebounder will be given to one of the kids or grandkids. Which is a shame; it really is fun…

Yellow Roses

God bless my husband! Yellow because I’m from Texas, naturally.

Last night was rushed, so I didn’t take the time to pull the outer petals or trim the stems. Hope you had a wonderful Valentine’s Day!


Not what I’m supposed to be buying (pollinators), but the bamboo will go on the patio for ambiance. Right now the back patio is an urban desert containing a grill and a table and chair set that was old when we bought the place 20 years ago.

Pollinators when I can get to Home Depot with the man.


It’s our 25th Anniversary today, Arthur and I. There’s so much I would/could say, but let’s leave it at this:

I’m very grateful to have been married to this good man for the last 25 years and I’ll take as many more as the Lord will give us.

Loving you always…



I can’t really talk about this with anyone IRL because everyone knows everyone else… but this rage has to be quenched or it will spill over…

This is our granddaughter Amber. Picture was taken 3 years ago, but she basically still looks the same.

Don’t worry, I got rid of that fugly rug.

Now a happy, lively 11 year old. Creative, empathetic, intelligent and I think, pretty. Cute as a bunny’s nose.

Always sewing or wanting to cook, she did make a dish for her family night before last. The bitter, twisted crone that is her live-in grandmother pronounced it “the worst thing I’ve ever tasted” and then proceeded to tell Amber that she is UGLY.

Amber cried for an hour.

God forgive me for what I’ve been thinking… all the ways to cause that woman pain… She needs to suffer. She’s never been what you might call ‘nice’, but that was horrible. And I can do nothing except love on that beautiful little soul when I see her this weekend.

What is wrong with people??

Joyeux Noël

Arthur brought home flowers for Christmas. We didn’t have anything to unwrap because his gift was a new video card and it was installed immediately… and mine from him was a down vest (and I snuck in another little jacket).

You may wonder why I would want outerwear. After all, this week’s temps have been in the 80’s. But… we won’t always live here… fingers crossed til they bleed, baby.

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