Beth and Charm

Beth and Charm’s home on the Ridge.

Charm is feeling good. Shall we go for an evening ride?

I think this is the only world I like better in Winter.

Bree and Buttercup

Okay, I know it’s silly, me being a grown woman and all… but the horses!

An intense ride!

Breanna’s riding skills have gotten better and so have Buttercup’s temperament skill. They’re best buddies now so when Bree has brushed Buttercup and cleaned her hooves… well, ‘ol Butter is proud and happy. So sweet!


Sims 4 recently dropped the Horse Ranch expansion and I took out gobs of other packs to make room. The wait had taken 9 long years, culminating in 67 pieces of dlc. Forget them; I needed horses!

This is Brianna Fraser and her Shire horse, Buttercup. They live in Henford on Bagley.

Learning to ride!

Yeah, it’s not perfect. There are stirrups but no stirrup leathers. Ah, well.

I’m obsessed with the horse muzzles. EA got a lot right in the pack, because the movements are amazing. The actions are spot on. Don’t get me wrong; ol’ Buttercup is wearing custom eyes and skin. Everything EA does can be made better by modders. 😉

I’ve not tried making wine or tending to goats or sheep. Why, when there are horses???


Sophie Westerhof is an intelligent young adult, addicted to new experiences. Do something more than 5 times and she’s bored.

She’s bored a LOT.

But not when hiking.
Or skiing.
But she does look a bit bored when she comes off the ski slope.

I’m afraid to send her to university; she’d just find the repetitious homework a big snooze.

Walking Lady

Walking Lady in Brindleton Bay

One of the few redeeming features in the Sims 4 is canine adoration. Lady (the only rough collie in my game) has been with Elle through young adulthood and university. Elle recently graduated with a Psychology degree at Britechester.

When they go for a walk I follow them and watch Lady watching her mistress. It calms me for some reason.

Whatever it takes, right?


The Brindleton Bay docks at night.

Sims 4.

I dunno; my brain is stuck therefore I cannot think of anything else. Oh, not sims. Another sister popped up, a lovely person who will probably visit this summer. Well, you know the Cracker Box. I’m mentally rebuilding the thing; painting, new rugs, some plants…. a new master bath redo would be grand, since I took a sledgehammer to the original and it sits… like a demented shell of the room it was… with a toilet. I would never take out a toilet willy-nilly.

What was I saying? Oh, yeah. Sims.

Brindleton Bay

It’s hard to tell with such a small picture, but mornings in the Sims can be beautiful.

I heard they’re starting work on Sims 5, God help us. I’d rather they re-tool one of the iterations that really worked, game play wise. Sims 4 beauty with Sims 3 game play.

The Scotts

Minus their parents, who still live in Oasis Springs.

No idea why it looks like the sun is rising from the tree, but it’s a cool effect.

Watson, finally happy because his sister Katy called.

…and yes, he really does live in the shadow of a volcano. Heh.

Sibling Katy is happy. She’s a cheerful, creative sim who loves life. Unlike gloomy gus.

Katy recently went on a date with a sim named Nick, also a creative type. Instead of meeting up at a bar or park where they would have things to do, Nick asked her to a basically empty lot.

At the end of the date he said “don’t call me again”. Oh, well. Once again, never assume.

Katy just finished her first semester at Foxbury, so she’s not really looking for a steady beau right now anyway.

Simthing Wrong

Don’t usually post my sims stuff, but this picture of Watson Scott, newly minted young adult, made me laugh. Watson was a good toddler, child and teen. He worked hard and received straight A’s in school.

A happy young man, when he aged up to young adult… well, let’s just put it this way: something is wrong with Watson. Or simthing.

Oh, there are more pictures of him slumping and frowning all over the place. Gym, nightclub, library… oh, there is a dilly of one meeting a woman… guess he didn’t like her because his eyes squinted up and his mouth pursed like my dog’s arse hole.

I moved him to a small (tiny) home directly under the volcano in Sulani. ‘Tis a beautiful place, Sulani. I fully expected him to take right to it; an outdoorsy, brilliant sim who could walk a few steps to the ocean. Right? I assumed he’d like to attend Foxbury U, become a marine biologist and live a full sim life.

Never assume, even with pixels.

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