St. Jude

I recently said a novena to St. Jude and my prayers were answered.

This is an acknowledgement and thank you! The lady in question has finally gotten help.

Auspice Maria

My first visit to Vizcaya was surprising because the day before I’d gotten a tattoo of an Auspice Maria. Inside the house, above one of the massive gates… well, it’s a horrible angle but there it is, a beautiful tribute to our Lady.

After reading about James Deering, the owner of the property, his influences of Italian Renaissance and Mediterranean Revival architecture make perfect sense.

Here it is! My crazy hair is in the way, but then I just mowed the lawn.

Sacred Heart of Jesus

June is the month of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus.

Jesus, I trust in you.

It’s also pride month, and I have nothing against gay people, it’s just that every time I see ‘pride’ I think of Jesus. And I prefer it that way.

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