I’m offended every time the powers that be raze a statue because someone complained that it ‘offended’ them.

The latest outrage? This Confederate memorial in Arlington -one of two, actually- had to come down. Why?

The Congressional mandate, passed in 2020, declared that the Department of Defense must remove all “names, symbols, displays, monuments, and paraphernalia that honor or commemorate the Confederate States of America” by Jan. 1, 2024.


Do you know who does this? The Taliban. Nazi Germany. Hamas. Not Americans. Well, not until now. We should be ashamed.

As President Lincoln stated: “Malice toward none and charity for all. North and South, we are all Americans again.”

Guess not.

Oh, dear. I was supposed to stay with dogs and flowers.


“Make yourselves sheep and the wolves will eat you.”

Benjamin Franklin

It’s been a year since “15 Days to Stop the Spread”.

I’m one of the lucky ones. Unlike many people who lost their homes and businesses my life hasn’t changed all that much. I still lounge around the place with the Man (who works from home), the only difference being my groceries are usually delivered. Oh, I’ve been to the store, which is packed by the way. Last week I noticed the ‘One Way’ strips are gone. They’re getting back to normal except for the ubiquitous masks. Too bad many other businesses aren’t as lucky.

Take, for instance, outpatient procedures. Not a hospital. They wouldn’t even allow me in the building, let alone in the room with Mike before and after he underwent a colonoscopy, which has been the norm in the past. Next month another procedure and another “wait in the car”.

Guess masks and distancing don’t work.

Continue reading “Year”

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