It’s Crinum Time!

Yep, the Crinum lilies have finally shown their flashy faces! Let the lily pr0n begin!

I’ll try to rein myself in, but no promises. 😉


Yes, I go to the beach every morning. On my computer. Pictured is Pompano Beach, 9 miles east of us… and of course we don’t get there often enough.

Funny thing… It’s spring break and since the kids were kicked out of Dade county I thought they’d be up here… but it doesn’t seem to be popular.


Okay, this is a bit odd. Same sky, just pivoted a bit. The tree on the right is also visible on the second photo.

Good Start

This morning started with a bang; fingers of color stretched across the sky from both the east and west, meeting above me. Wild! The last picture is a continuation of the photo just above it.

As shot.

…and then last night…


Hope the new year is gentle with everyone.

Saw these birds flying north in a V formation early this morning. They’re flying back home already? It’s the first day of January; there’s plenty of winter left!


As shot.

Flashes of colored light often slash through our skies and are gone again in minutes. This display didn’t even last a quick five but I was happy to have caught it.

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