Heavens Above

Thank the good Lord I get up early!

Most are as shot.


They look pretty but are not overwhelming like the real thing. Not even a fraction of the beauty is represented here. I ran around taking pictures, forgetting knee pain, hip pain… saying “thank you” with almost every heartbeat.

Thank you.


The people next door planted their bougainvillea immediately upon moving in ten years ago. I’ve taken many pictures of it, since the color is such a vivid fuchsia.

Full sun again; wow!

So… where did this red spring from??

It really is red. The tips look a bit different, but it’s red.

Old growth, right next to the pink stuff. Nature is glorious.

First Crinum ’21

I always take a picture of the first lily blooming each year, so here we are.

Also, look at this silly bugger, taking off like crazy!

Dormant for years, it now thrives. There must be a lesson in there somewhere.

Around the Garden

I’m calling my yard a ‘garden’, if that’s alright? K.

Faith produces!

Perhaps I need a third crepe to name ‘Love’. A red one!

Oh, the humanity!

So, the yard guy doesn’t know that Purple Heart is a valuable member of the garden community. Either of them! I am bereft, but they’re tough little monkeys; I’m sure they’ll be back soon.

Daisy… digs.

She is actually tearing the rock apart. Daisy once ripped a lawnmower to pieces. Tires, rubber thingys that hang down, etc… We thought it was so incredibly cute we let her do it.

That’s who we are; enablers.

I’m currently working in the front. So far I’ve pared a bed of areca palms by half. It’s hot, nasty, ant riddled work, but satisfying. Pictures to follow. Of course.

Poison Ivy

Yep, it got me. Preparation for our new fence led to cleaning out weeds and… rash. But I can’t find the plant. Every year… but I can never find it. How crazy is that?

Meanwhile, I’ve got a massive canna near the front door. Think I’m hoping that it, along with the v. large green thing on the other side of the walk, it will discourage visitors. Let me tell you, Amazon drivers are not easily intimidated by foliage. Thankfully, neither are Whole Foods delivery drivers.

Yesterday we had a Publix delivery… (Of course I’m spoiled now.) Our first smoker. The bags were horrible; they smelled like they’d been sitting in a giant ashtray and someone had exhaled smoke right into them. We almost vomited. My allergies went insane and I was drugged and in bed by 7:00p.

I did contact Instacart and they “unpaired this shopper from all of your future orders.”

The fence went in yesterday, but I’ve yet to get any good pictures.

Later, gators. Must soak my arm in salt water. Oh, hell yes it’s infected! Grrr…

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