Sun Girl

I told the yard guy to forgo mowing in the back this time because… well, I love it. Weeds and all. Maybe the weeds are the best reason to lounge outside among the bees gathering pollen.

Badger seems to like it, bees and all.

Two Years

I’ve never remembered death dates before my Dad passed… but today, he has been gone two years. Miss you every damn day, Mac.

On a different note… here’s Daisy. She’s flipping old, as if you couldn’t tell. 😉

Oh, she’d had a bath two days before this picture… she just looks dirty. Must be the beard.

View… with Teckel

I was absolutely beat last evening so decided to stretch out on the sofa… but the view was energizing.

Don’t know why I’d pulled the blinds and drapes both back, but it made for a nice reflection…


Badger loathes anyone pointing anything at her, especially a camera. If I don’t get the shot long-range, forget it.

So, enjoy the top of her head.


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