The Three

The three AMBs. Granddaughter, Daughter, Grandpa.

Yes, hell. I know my place looks abandoned. I don’t do much outside in the Winter.


Okay, this is a bit odd. Same sky, just pivoted a bit. The tree on the right is also visible on the second photo.

Good Start

This morning started with a bang; fingers of color stretched across the sky from both the east and west, meeting above me. Wild! The last picture is a continuation of the photo just above it.

As shot.

…and then last night…


Hope the new year is gentle with everyone.

Saw these birds flying north in a V formation early this morning. They’re flying back home already? It’s the first day of January; there’s plenty of winter left!


As shot.

Flashes of colored light often slash through our skies and are gone again in minutes. This display didn’t even last a quick five but I was happy to have caught it.


I’m offended every time the powers that be raze a statue because someone complained that it ‘offended’ them.

The latest outrage? This Confederate memorial in Arlington -one of two, actually- had to come down. Why?

The Congressional mandate, passed in 2020, declared that the Department of Defense must remove all “names, symbols, displays, monuments, and paraphernalia that honor or commemorate the Confederate States of America” by Jan. 1, 2024.


Do you know who does this? The Taliban. Nazi Germany. Hamas. Not Americans. Well, not until now. We should be ashamed.

As President Lincoln stated: “Malice toward none and charity for all. North and South, we are all Americans again.”

Guess not.

Oh, dear. I was supposed to stay with dogs and flowers.


My husband surprised me with roses last week and the reddish/fuchsia ones are still going… except… they’re changing color at the tips! Never seen this before.

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