Only Love

Happy Mother’s Day to moms.

I had an interesting conversation yesterday. This woman is as close to me as a daughter (and vice versa), so we have a warm relationship. She misses her mom, so we chatted a bit. Mother’s Day is not great for a lot of people… myself included. I miss my mama but I also have a living, breathing birth mom who doesn’t know I exist living on the other coast. It’s difficult sometimes.

I love this mom who carried me and am eternally grateful to her… but sometimes a bit of resentment creeps in because my half sisters have her all to themselves. I repress those feelings, of course, willing the love to come back and cover any wisps of ill will. After all, my sisters are wonderful, caring people and I love them as well.

Today I will feel only love.



Everyone has their version of luxury, whether it takes the form of travel, expensive dinners or nights at the theater. Mine? Being able to stay home.

My little piece of terra firma binds me to it, probably a throw back from growing up on a farm in the country. There was never anywhere better than the farm. Not for me, anyway. Life was hard but I gloried in the land and everything contained upon it; the animals, plants and my dad’s shop. If you couldn’t find me, odds were pretty good I was on the land, either on horseback or afoot.

So, now that old age has its steely grip upon me.(!) I don’t leave the place often. Most of our groceries are delivered and I usually only go to the doctor once a year. Until this week.

A different doctor was called for so I went, of course. Can’t really put these things off, unfortunately. Whereas my once a year doc has a massive waiting room, this new doc’s place looked woefully small. Long, thin room and there were over 20 people mashed in there with me. I almost left… many times.

The next day I told my husband about my nightmare: I’d had to shoot my way out of that room with a *Glock 9mm. It was like the last chopper out of Saigon.

He told me that I am sheltered. He’s absolutely right. Though my youth was spent in honky-tonks and gyms, my life is winding down how it began; on my own property, minding my own business. Wishing the world well, but watching it burn from afar. Selfish? Yes, but my sanity depends upon it… all I need now is a horse. 😉

*I don’t own a Glock.

It’s Crinum Time!

Yep, the Crinum lilies have finally shown their flashy faces! Let the lily pr0n begin!

I’ll try to rein myself in, but no promises. 😉

Beth and Charm

Beth and Charm’s home on the Ridge.

Charm is feeling good. Shall we go for an evening ride?

I think this is the only world I like better in Winter.


Yes, I go to the beach every morning. On my computer. Pictured is Pompano Beach, 9 miles east of us… and of course we don’t get there often enough.

Funny thing… It’s spring break and since the kids were kicked out of Dade county I thought they’d be up here… but it doesn’t seem to be popular.

Sun Girl

I told the yard guy to forgo mowing in the back this time because… well, I love it. Weeds and all. Maybe the weeds are the best reason to lounge outside among the bees gathering pollen.

Badger seems to like it, bees and all.

V Day

When my husband arrived home last night he was greeted with a minor emergency: “Water was pouring out of the doohickey under the sink so I turned it off. OH, and the disposal won’t work.”

He had to run out for a new disposal and didn’t finish until nearly 10:00p. 

I felt pretty bad for him, but not nearly as sorry as I felt this morning upon finding two cards, two boxes of chocolates and roses.

I love this man more than anyone else on earth. He didn’t try to vacillate or put anything off, he set right to work on the problem like it was the most fun he’d had seen since his Navy days.

This wonderful man realizes that every little thing I do for him is out of love. I know that the only reason why he still works is to keep us in food and kibble.

We’ve been married for over 30 years and each day with him is sweeter. I thank God for him so often the good Lord is probably tired of me.

He’s also pretty cute. 😉

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