
I had an appointment for a cat scan this morning… and it was pouring rain. Donning running shoes and raincoat (I’m one of the roughly 3% of Floridians who wear raincoats) I made my way there in the darkness wearing… sunglasses, because I lost my regular driving specs.

I know.

The parking lot was over-full. One of those areas containing more businesses than the spaces could accommodate. Given the weather, people were negotiating for a good slot. I was very lucky to come upon an suv starting to reverse out of its space and courteously waited an appropriate distance back. It had seen me and knew the score. Suddenly, in comes a car and it sits almost directly behind the suv. Poacher!! The driver looked at me and I pointed to the suv. She didn’t care.

We three sat there for about 10 minutes until the suv did a 20-point turn and the poacher whipped into the space. Given all the givens, it was enough to put me off humanity altogether. The mini and I parked a mile away and by the time I got inside the facility I felt like a sponge, completely full of water.

Have you ever been in NO MOOD and had to go somewhere you didn’t want to go and do something you didn’t want to do and walked in to find the place packed? Of course you have; ’tis our lot in life. It knocks the wind out of us!

Into this little bucket of hell walks our dripping idiot, full of enmity for her fellow man. Requisite paperwork accomplished, I’m presented with a half gallon of lemon-lime crud. To be ingested within thirty minutes. (The trick is to not breath through your nose.)

While choking the crud down I chose to sit in an alternate waiting room, next to the door so to see outside. That is invariably my choice, especially when rooms are over crowded.

A fortunate choice, because I witnessed people helping each other. Not the cow that stole my space, of course, but others. A man held upright with the aid of a strange looking walker didn’t want to leave because of the rain. A woman coming in withe two umbrellas (after dropping off) held the second one for him so he could leave. People held doors for each other and an earnest looking young man walked in with a dozen roses and presented them to his love. Also, my tech Patty was cheerful and helpful, two things which I value greatly. Apparently the milk of human kindness has not run dry.

By the time the iodine stopped making me feel like I peed myself the mini welcomed me and we were for home. I made coffee and put in a load of wash. Home again, home again, jiggity jog!

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